Devlog 11

Development of the second location is almost over. Initially, I wanted to launch it on the 1st of July, but apparently there are a lot of things to polish. When it comes to playtesting and assembly, all the placeholders and imperfections appear and take a lot of time to be fixed. If only I had a nickel for every time I fixed something by simply checking the mark or connecting the long forgotten node, I would be able to sponsor the full scale development. 

Furthermore, when I come back to the first location I can see many imperfections here and there and with a new obtained knowledge and tools I can fix it. However, it all consumes a lot of time. Not the one small fix where the enemy does not behave the way it should, but this and many other problems combined. It gets worse when I try to connect two levels together and something does not work on one of them but perfectly works on another… It all comes to one little thing that I have to find and fix and in most cases the search for that chekmark takes more than actually fixing it. 

On the bright side, the second part is almost complete and all I have to do is polishing and adding small details. I am planning to upload the new version next Saturday, so get ready because it’s gonna be HUGE!


Shattered_0.1.7.rar 876 MB
82 days ago

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