Devlog 10

The time flies by and it is even hard to imagine how much has been done since the launch of the game. When I work on it every day it does not seem like I am making any progress. It’s more like: I have done this and tomorrow I have to do that. Iteration after iteration and small distraction like a wrong distanced sound or lack of right particle effects kills time and sometimes makes everything look the way it was a week ago. However, in a long time perspective I can see how much has changed even in the core gameplay and all the small details of the game.

Putting all the thought aside, I can tell that all the core elements are almost ready, but all of them require a lot of polishing. Now, I’m planning to work on the polishing of the new mechanics and adding sound to everything that lacks it. Then I’ll work on a couple cutscenes and write new music. After that I’ll polish everything to the point where it works and nothing interrupts gameplay. And finally I’ll do final polish and build the whole game. It seems like a lot of work, but nothing is impossible when you love what you make.


Shattered_0.1.6.rar 872 MB
96 days ago

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